Project Description

Homemade Snowflakes (Especially simple)

I make small snacks for myself and put them in the office. You can eat homemade snowflakes anytime. I use animal butter and sugar-free marshmallows

Homemade Snowflakes - Ultrasonic Cutter - Cheersonic

Homemade flake pastry-cutting equipment-cutting machine-manufacturing flake pastry equipment-hangzhou chifei

Ingredients: Butter: 45g Sugar-free marshmallow: 150g Whole milk powder: 40g Sea salt biscuits: 150g Cranberry: 150g Pumpkin seeds: appropriate amount Nuts: free to match

How to make snowflake crisps

1. Be sure to use a non-stick pan! Non-stick pan! Non-stick pan!
Slowly boil the small fire, and you can do it perfectly with patience.
2. After melting the butter, add marshmallows and stir until it melts.
3. Pour in the milk powder and mix well, (if you like a bit harder, mix for a while) and immediately pour in the biscuits, cranberries, and pumpkin seeds after turning off the heat.
4. After mixing all the ingredients, put on gloves and fold it several times to make the biscuits better blend into the marshmallow.
5. Put a little milk powder into the mold after shaping, let it cool, cut into pieces, bagged and sealed for storage (it’s cool, it’s OK to put it for half a month).
6. I prefer the softer ones, so turn off the heat after mixing the milk powder. When cutting into pieces after letting cool, be sure to cut the knife quickly and accurately!

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