Project Description

Low calorie taro mashed cheese mooncakes

The Mid-Autumn Festival has passed, have you eaten delicious moon cakes?

Reunion has been a constant theme from ancient times to the present. Mooncakes are always indispensable for the Mid-Autumn Festival every year. Every time the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, there is a feeling of waiting for a year just to eat moon cakes.

Moon cakes were carried forward in the Song Dynasty, as evidenced by Su Dongpo’s poem: “Small cakes are like chewing the moon, with crisp and sweet sugar in it.”

By the time of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the craftsmanship of moon cakes had reached the point of perfection. Some handicraftsmen with excellent craftsmanship made some legends into patterns of molds, through which moon cakes expressed their good wishes for reunion. Now, mooncakes have more and more patterns, their shapes are getting more and more exquisite, and of course the taste is getting better and better.

Low calorie taro mashed cheese mooncakes

Low calorie taro mashed cheese mooncakes

1 taro
1 purple sweet potato
Right amount of pure milk
50g glutinous rice flour
A pinch of 0 calories sugar substitute
Right amount of cream cheese

Cut the taro and purple potato into cubes, steam for 15-20 minutes on high heat, then cut the cheese into cubes for later use.

The steamed taro purple potato is pressed into a puree, 15-20g sugar substitute and 50g glutinous rice flour are added and knead evenly, and then knead into a smooth dough. You can also replace it with caster sugar. During the mixing process, if you feel that the dough is too dry, you can gradually add milk and knead until the dough is not dry and can form a dough, so the specific amount of milk is not indicated.

After kneading the dough, divide it into small doughs of corresponding size according to the size of your own mold, for example, mold 50g, dough 30g, filling 20g, 30g mold, dough 20g, filling 10g, or you can make your own. The precautions for this step is that after the small dough is divided, a layer of dry powder should be applied so that the mold will be better released when the mold is shaped. Dry flour can be glutinous rice flour, corn starch, etc., fry in a hot pan for 2-3 minutes and let cool.

Roll out the small dough, put it into cheese and knead it into a ball, put it into the moon cake mold and press it into shape
Note that the inside of the moon cake mold should also be brushed with a layer of dry powder or oil to prevent sticking.

Put the pressed moon cakes into a steamer and steam for 15 minutes on a medium-low fire. The high fire will easily burst. After steaming, let it cool and refrigerate. Pay attention to this step. Be sure to put the baking oil paper on it, otherwise you can’t take it off, and the Chinese steamed cloth will also work.

Finished, start eating!