Project Description

Delicious Nougat

Delicious Nougat – How To Cut Nougat To Look Good – Cheersonic

Nougat is a chewy, creamy candy, but the nougat bought out now is too sticky, so let me teach you how to make chewy nougat.

Today I shared three flavors of nougat, rich in milk flavor, delicious and not sticky to teeth ~ make a gift package, full of heart, and you will receive 100% praise when you take it out. It is quite worthy, and you don’t have to go out to buy it anymore! The method is very simple, hurry up and learn it~

Delicious Nougat


30 grams of butter
150g marshmallow
80g whole milk powder
120g cooked peanuts
Black sesame seeds 30g
20g white sesame seeds

Matcha flavor
30 grams of butter
150g marshmallow
Whole milk powder 75g
Matcha powder 5g
70 grams of almonds
60 g dried strawberries

150g marshmallow
Yellow whole milk powder 70
Cocoa powder 10 grams
40g dried cranberries
120g cooked peanuts
30 grams of butter


Matcha flavor
1. Prepare the ingredients, mix matcha powder and milk powder evenly, heat in a non-stick pan on low heat, and melt the butter
2. Pour in marshmallows, stir fry on low heat until melted, pour in matcha powder and milk powder and stir evenly
3. Turn off the heat and pour in the dried fruit, stir-fry evenly. You can knead it evenly with gloves and form a rectangle or a square. Put it in the refrigerator for one hour, then cut into pieces and pack.

Sesame flavor
1. Prepare the ingredients, heat in a non-stick pan on low heat, melt the butter, pour in the marshmallows, stir fry on low heat until melted
2. Pour the milk powder and stir fry evenly after the marshmallow has melted
3. Turn off the heat and pour in the dried fruit, stir-fry evenly. You can knead it evenly with gloves and form a rectangle or a square. Put it in the refrigerator for one hour, then cut into pieces and pack.

Chocolate flavour
1. Prepare the ingredients, mix cocoa powder and milk powder evenly, heat in a non-stick pan on low heat, add butter to melt
2. Pour in marshmallows, stir fry on low heat until melted, pour in cocoa milk powder and stir fry evenly
3. Turn off the heat and pour in the dried fruit, stir-fry evenly. You can knead it evenly with gloves and form a rectangle or a square. Put it in the refrigerator for one hour, then cut into pieces and pack.

Be sure to use a small fire all the way‼ ️When shaping, put greased paper up and down and roll it with a rolling pin. If there is a non-stick plate underneath, you can use greased paper!